Welcome to the very first Combined Design Team Office Party Blog Hop!
We all worked really hard this year and wanted to have some fun, so time for a truly unique Blog Hop!
Our theme is Office Party and oh what fun this will be! We Teamed up with Digi's with Attitude / Drunken Stampers to give you a wonderful time.. with so many chances to win and so much inspiration to see your sure to have a good time!
All Prizes have Attitude that much is for sure, see what you could win at the Digi's with Attitude! Store Total Prizes worth a whopping $115.00!!!! Who needs more??
Now to find out all the details... so you too can score!
As we're mingling at the office party (blog hopping) with the fabulous gals from Digi’s with Attitude & Drunken’ Stampers be sure to leave comments along the way!! Each designer will draw from the comments left on their blog and one winner will receive the digi that was used on that designer's blog post as well as a $5 gift certificate to the Digi's with Attitude store! How cool is that???!
Be creative & Play along in the challenge For a chance to win a $20.00 gift certificate from each challenge blog !! Make a new card with Office Party as your theme or for someone at your Office! (Digi’s with Attitude stamps are not required But The DWA December freebie is available for download from the Digi's With Attitude! Store. Post it on your blog and enter the link to your card on the The Digi's With Attitude! Challenge Blog or the Drunken Stampers Challenge Blog by Thursday, December 9th at 11:59pm EST
You can enter more than once with a new card but no duplicates, your post must be a new as of December 3, 2010... Non-eligible entries will be removed.
Digi’s With Attitude! Challenge Blog /
Drunken Stampers Challenge Blog will draw one winner each for a $20 Gift Certificate to the Digi's with Attitude Store too!! All winners will be posted on December 13, 2010 . Winners from each designer’s blog will be posted on their blogs, the 2 main winners will be posted on the Digi’s With Attitude! Challenge Blog and Drunken Stampers Challenge blog respectively. So be sure to retrace your steps to see if you are a winner!
We hope to see you at the Office Party!
Below is a list of the designers in the hop in case you get lost along the way!
Drunken Stampers Challenge Blog
4) Viv
5) Spike 6) Tracy J. 7) Cindy-Lynn 8) Bettina 9) Tazza 10) Jeanette 11) Linda 12) Jenny 13) Louise 14) Tracy 15) Juanita 16) Tammylee 17) Digi's With Attitude! Challenge Blog <---- Add your Challenge Entry Here too!!! Other Important Links: Digi's With Attitude! Challenge Guidelines Digi's With Attitude! Honorable Mention & Best Card of The Month! Digi's With Attitude! Current DT Call Digi's With Attitude! Store

Grumpy Gretchen is ready for the office Christmas party. Greche is the girl Friday at the office and has been tasked with doing the shopping for the boss. So why is she Grumpy? Because her boss is cheap and did not give her much of a budget to get the job done. Just like the "boss" at my house. Actually my "boss" (DH) is pretty generous, I just always want to get way to much for everyone.

Gretchen is dressed for the party in Copic's and I gave her some dazzling gifts using Spica pens. DP is from the Seasonal Shop at Hobby Lobby. Gemstones swirl is by Want2scrap.
I have a digi image of Present Grumpy Grechten to give to out. So leave me a comment and I will draw from the comments.